Long term relationships take work. Just like anything else in your life you need to put time and effort into the things that matter to you and that includes your dating life. If your relationship is important to you, you should take steps to keep it from stagnating. Here are some tips from us on keeping your relationship fresh.
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Dating Resolutions to Ring in the New Year
2020 is in full swing and many resolutions have been made and broken in quick succession – it’s a tale as old as time. Why not try something a little different this year? Ditch the new gym membership and spend some time and effort working on your dating life this year. From us to you here are 5 dating resolutions to ring in the new year.
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Sober Date Ideas
We recently posted an article for 10 drinks to try on a date this summer and you guys reached out to tell us how that went so thank you! However, we also wanted to remind you that not everybody drinks and to be mindful of your needs and the needs of your date. Dates without drinks don’t have to be boring so here are 5 great sober date ideas.
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